Welcome to Debugging TV and Frames series where each episode features some facet of debugging, memory dump, and software trace analysis on Windows, Mac OS X, and Android platforms in 8 slides in 8 minutes including live WinDbg (Windows) or GDB demonstration (Mac OS X, Linux) plus extra 8 minutes for you to ask questions.

All episodes are available on YouTube with descriptions: http://www.youtube.com/DebuggingTV
Debugging TV Frame 0x01
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x01.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x01.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x02
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x02.pdf
From Q&A session: DIA SDK to access PDB symbol files
Debugging TV Frame 0x03
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x03.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x03.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x04
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x04.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x04.txt
Note on Q&A: There was a question about the difference between .symopt-4 and .reload /f and indeed for the exercise purpose there was no difference. However I understood the question incorrectly and when I mentioned about forcing mismatched symbols load I meant .reload /f /i that we covered in the previous Frame Episode 0x02.
Debugging TV Frame 0x05
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x05.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x05.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x06
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x06.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x06.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x07
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x07.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x07.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x08
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x08.pdf
WinDbg log: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x08.txt
API description: contexts.h
Debugging TV Frame 0x09
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x09.pdf
WinDbg log 1: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x09-1.txt
WinDbg log 2: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x09-2.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x0A (Mac OS X)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x0A.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x0B (Mac OS X)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x0B.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x0C (Mac OS X)
Crash report: MultipleThreads_2012-04-06-092234_DumpAnalysis-MacBook-Air.crash
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x0C.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x0D (Mac OS X)
Crash report: SpikingThread_2012-05-04-174941_DumpAnalysis-MacBook-Air.crash
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x0D.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x0E (Mac OS X)
Crash report: HeapCorruption2_2012-05-24-111258_DumpAnalysis-MacBook-Air.crash
Crash report: DoubleFree_2012-05-24-130929_DumpAnalysis-MacBook-Air.crash
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x0E.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x0F (Mac OS X)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x0F.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x10 (General Software Diagnostics)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x10.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x11 (Windows, Mac OS X)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x11.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x12 (Mac OS X)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x12.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x13 (Mac OS X)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x13.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x14 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x14.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x15 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x15.pdf
MessageHistory x86 log: messages32.txt
MessageHistory x64 log: messages64.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x16 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x16.pdf
WinDbg log (process dump): windbg-old-hangs-on-windows8-dump.txt
WinDbg log (complete dump): memory-windows8.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x17 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x17.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x18 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x18.pdf
WinDbg log: logfile.txt
Source code: FrameNavigation.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x19 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x19.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x1A (Software Diagnostics Architecture)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x1A.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x1B (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x1B.pdf
WinDbg log (iexplore memory dump analysis): iexplore-dump-analysis.txt
WinDbg log (iexplore live analysis): iexplore-live-analysis.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x1C (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x1C.pdf
WinDbg log: Episode-0x1C-1-no-lsass.txt
WinDbg log: Episode-0x1C-2-fibre-bundle-user-space.txt
WinDbg log: Episode-0x1C-3-fibre-bundle-kernel-space.txt
WinDbg log: Episode-0x1C-4-file-copy-spike-wrl-symbols.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x20 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x20.pdf
WinDbg log: InjectionResidue.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x21 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x21.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x22 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x22.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x23 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x23.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x24 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x24.pdf
Source code: PastStackTrace.txt
WinDbg log (x86): PastStackTrace32.txt
WinDbg log (x64): PastStackTrace64.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x25 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x25.pdf
WinDbg log: Episode-0x25-windbg-log.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x26 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x26.pdf
Source code: BufferUnderwrite.cpp
WinDbg log 1: NormalHeap.txt
WinDbg log 2: FullPageHeap.txt
WinDbg log 3: FullPageHeapBackwards.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x27 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x27.pdf
WinDbg log: Episode-0x27-windbg-log.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x28 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x28.pdf
WinDbg log: Episode-0x28-windbg-log.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x29 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x29.pdf
WinDbg log: Episode-0x29-windbg-log.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x30 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x30.pdf
Debugging TV Frame 0x31 (Windows)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x31.pdf
WinDbg log: Episode-0x31-WinDbg-log.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x32 (Android)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x32.pdf
Java code: FullscreenActivityJava.txt
Android log (fragments): StackTraceCollectionLog.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x33 (Android)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x33.pdf
Java code for SpikingThread app: FullscreenActivitySpikingThreadJava.txt
Java code for Deadlock app: FullscreenActivityDeadlockJava.txt
Android log (fragments) for SpikingThread app: SpikingThreadLog.txt
Android log (fragments) for Deadlock app: DeadlockLog.txt
The output of top command (ADB): top.txt
The output of ps -t command (ADB): ps-t.txt
Debugging TV Frame 0x34 (Android)
Slides: DebuggingTV_Frame_0x34.pdf
More frames are coming and www.debugging.tv hosts TV programme and recordings of past episodes.