Pattern Repertoire

When developing, debugging, maintaining, and supporting software it is important to have knowledge of general problem analysis patterns of abnormal software structure and behavior. As with any language, such a pattern language comes in passive and active usage variants. A passive pattern user knows about a particular analysis pattern but may have difficulty recognizing it in a specific software execution artifact such as a memory dump or log. A passive user may become an active user after training and experience. “Pattern Repertoire” is such user knowledge (or awareness) of a specific set of patterns from pattern catalogues (see the definition of repertoire). An active pattern repertoire of a Windows software engineer first becomes passive when the engineer starts working with Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, z/OS, or any other platform but then becomes active through experience. In any case, the possession of a pattern repertoire and its size (the pattern language vocabulary) is an important asset. What distinguishes the pattern repertoire from a mere set of pattern names is the knowledge of its syntax (analysis pattern combinations), semantics (the meaning of analysis patterns), and pragmatics (active usage in concrete situations and passive knowledge of usage in general situations). Similar to software construction pattern repertoire which helps with software construction problem analysis, architecture, design, and implementation, software post-construction pattern repertoire helps to perform software post-construction problem diagnostic analysis and debugging more efficiently and effectively. A few words must be said about implicit pattern knowledge. Some patterns may be obvious and used unconsciously. However, their explicit naming helps with communicating analysis decisions, troubleshooting and debugging recommendations, and creating problem-solving case studies.

Here, we would like to show the building of our diagnostic analysis pattern repertoire for memory dumps, software traces, and logs. The following picture illustrates the growth of the number of software diagnostic analysis patterns with each successive volume of Memory Dump Analysis Anthology (excluding malware analysis patterns published in Volume 7, and structural memory patterns published in Volume 5):

The picture shows, for example, that volumes 6 – 8 introduced more analysis patterns than volumes 1 – 5. Volumes 7 and 8 alone introduced 63% of the current trace and log analysis patterns, and 32% of the current crash and hang memory dump analysis patterns.

Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 8b

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Contains revised, edited, cross-referenced, and thematically organized selected articles from Software Diagnostics Institute ( + and Software Diagnostics Library (former Crash Dump Analysis blog, about software diagnostics, debugging, crash dump analysis, memory forensics, software trace and log analysis written in December 2014 - July 2015 for software engineers developing and maintaining products on Windows platforms, quality assurance engineers testing software, technical support and escalation engineers dealing with complex software issues, security researchers, reverse engineers, malware and memory forensics analysts. This volume is fully cross-referenced with volumes 1 – 7, 8a, and features:

- 12 new crash dump analysis patterns
- 15 new software log and trace analysis patterns
- New memory dump analysis case study
- Introduction to articoding
- Introduction to special and general trace and log analysis
- Introduction to projective debugging
- Introduction to artifact-malware
- Introduction to concrete and general problem analysis patterns

Product information:

  • Title: Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 8b
  • Authors: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Institute
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 22.86 x 15.24
  • Paperback: 169 pages
  • Publisher: OpenTask (July 2015)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-908043-54-2

Table of Contents

Pattern! What Pattern?

There is confusion about patterns of diagnostics such as related to crash dump analysis and software trace and log analysis. We are often asked about pattern percentage detection rate or whether it is possible to automate pattern diagnostics. Before asking and answering such questions, it is important to understand what kinds of patterns are meant. Patterns of diagnostics can be subdivided into concrete and general problem patterns, and, also, into concrete and general analysis patterns.

Problem patterns are simply diagnostic patterns, and they can be defined as (fusing Diagnostic Pattern1 and Diagnostic Problem2 definitions):

A common recurrent identifiable set of indicators (signs) together with a set of recommendations and possible solutions to apply in a specific context.

Concrete Problem Patterns are particular sets of indicators, for example, an exception stack trace showing an invalid memory access in the particular function from the particular component/module code loaded and executed on Windows platform.

But such indicators can be generalized from different products and OS platforms giving rise to General Problem Patterns forming a pattern language. Our previous example can be generalized as Exception Stack Trace showing Invalid Pointer and Exception Module. Concrete Problem Patterns are the implementation of the corresponding General Problem Patterns.

Now, it becomes clear why Memory Analysis Pattern Catalog doesn’t have any concrete BSOD bugcheck numbers. Most of such numbers are concrete implementations of Self-Diagnosis pattern.

Then we have Concrete Analysis Patterns as particular techniques to uncover Concrete Problem Patterns. For example, thread raw stack analysis for historical information to reconstruct a stack trace. Again, such techniques vary between OS platform and even between debuggers.

Generalizing again, we have General Analysis Patterns, for example, analyzing Historical Information in Execution Residue to construct Glued Stack Trace.

General Problem Pattern descriptions may already reference General Analysis Patterns, and in some cases both may coincide. For example, Hidden Exception pattern uses Execution Residue pattern as a technique to uncover such exceptions.

Most of Software Trace and Log Analysis Patterns are General Analysis Patterns that were devised and cataloged to structure the analysis of the diverse logs from different products and OS platforms3. For example, a specific data value common to both working and problem logs that helps to find out the missing information from the problem description can be generalized to Inter-Correlation analysis between the problem trace and Master Trace using Shared Point.

This partitioning is depicted in the following diagram:

Software Diagnostics Institute innovation is in devising and cataloging general problem and analysis patterns and providing some concrete analysis implementations on specific OS platforms such as Windows and Mac OS X.

1 Pattern-Oriented Software Forensics: A Foundation of Memory Forensics and Forensics of Things, page 13
2 Ibid., page 14
3 Malware Narratives: An Introduction, page 14

Artifact-Malware and its Primary and Secondary Effects

A few days ago we saw an article in Facebook stream about trolling airline passengers. When they descend to an airport, they read a different city name written in large letters on the roof of some house.

An idea came to us to model this behavior for memory dump analysis: when we analyze crash dumps we usually rely on the output of some commands that redirect or reformat the contents of memory. For example, lmv WinDbg command shows module resource information such as its product name, copyright information, etc. What if that information were deliberately crafted to deceive and disturb software diagnostics and debugging process, and ultimately to explore possible vulnerabilities there? Popular debuggers have their own vulnerabilities1 which may be used not only for anti-debugging purposes. When we say “deliberately crafted” we don’t mean Fake Module2 malware analysis pattern that is about a module that tries to present itself as another legitimate, well-known module. Also, we are not concerned with false positive decoy artifacts3. In our case Artifact-Malware, as we call it (or Arti-Malware for short, not to confuse with anti-malware), intentionally leaves malicious legitimate artifacts in software execution artifacts (such as memory dumps, traces, and logs) deliberately structured to alter execution of static analysis tools such as debuggers, disassemblers, reversing tools, etc. Such artifacts in artifacts may suggest exploring them further as possible culprits of abnormal software behavior thus triggering certain software and human vulnerabilities, and even social engineering attacks (when they suggest calling a phone number).

To model this, we quickly created a small Visual C++ project called TrollingApp and inserted version info resource. Normally WinDbg lmv command would show something like this:

0:000> lmv m TrollingModule
start             end                 module name
00000001`3ff50000 00000001`3ff58000   TrollingModule C 
(private pdb symbols)
    Loaded symbol image file: TrollingModule.exe
    Image path: ...\TrollingApp\x64\Release\TrollingModule.exe
    Image name: TrollingModule.exe
    Timestamp:        Sat Jun 27 10:28:47 2015 (558E6CCF)
    CheckSum:         00000000
    ImageSize:        00008000
    File version:
    Product version:
    File flags:       0 (Mask 3F)
    File OS:          40004 NT Win32
    File type:        1.0 App
    File date:        00000000.00000000
    Translations:     1809.04b0
    CompanyName:      TODO: 
    ProductName:      TODO: 
    InternalName:     TrollingModule.exe
    OriginalFilename: TrollingModule.exe
    FileDescription:  TODO: 
    LegalCopyright:   Copyright © 2015 
        by Software Diagnostics Institute

Since LegalCopyright is the last field shown in the formatted output, we changed it to contain the long string of “\r\n” characters intended to scroll away module information. The string was long as it was allowed by the resource compiler.

 FILEOS 0x40004L
    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
        BLOCK "180904b0"
            VALUE "CompanyName", "TODO: "
            VALUE "FileDescription", "TODO: "
            VALUE "FileVersion", ""
            VALUE "InternalName", "TrollingModule.exe"
            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "\r\n\r\n\r\n ... "
            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "TrollingModule.exe"
            VALUE "ProductName", "TODO: "
            VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
        VALUE "Translation", 0x1809, 1200

The program itself is very simple triggering a NULL pointer exception to generate a crash dump (we configured LocalDumps registry key on Windows 7).

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int *p = 0;

	*p = 0;
	return 0;

So we opened a crash dump and checked the stack trace which suggested checking information about TrollingModule (as Exception Module4 memory analysis pattern):

Loading Dump File [C:\MemoryDumps\TrollingModule.exe.2076.dmp]
User Mini Dump File with Full Memory: Only application data is available

Windows 7 Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS Personal
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Sat Jun 27 10:28:58.000 2015 (UTC + 1:00)
System Uptime: 3 days 21:28:51.750
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:00:01.000
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(81c.1604): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
00000000`7769186a c3 ret

0:000> .symfix c:\mss

0:000> .reload

0:000> kL
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00000000`001fe6d8 000007fe`fd741430 ntdll!NtWaitForMultipleObjects+0xa
00000000`001fe6e0 00000000`77541723 KERNELBASE!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0xe8
00000000`001fe7e0 00000000`775bb5e5 kernel32!WaitForMultipleObjectsExImplementation+0xb3
00000000`001fe870 00000000`775bb767 kernel32!WerpReportFaultInternal+0x215
00000000`001fe910 00000000`775bb7bf kernel32!WerpReportFault+0x77
00000000`001fe940 00000000`775bb9dc kernel32!BasepReportFault+0x1f
00000000`001fe970 00000000`776d3398 kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x1fc
00000000`001fea50 00000000`776585c8 ntdll! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x2365
00000000`001fea80 00000000`77669d2d ntdll!_C_specific_handler+0x8c
00000000`001feaf0 00000000`776591cf ntdll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd
00000000`001feb20 00000000`77691248 ntdll!RtlDispatchException+0x45a
00000000`001ff200 00000001`3ff51002 ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatch+0x2e
00000000`001ff908 00000001`3ff51283 TrollingModule!wmain+0x2
00000000`001ff910 00000000`775359ed TrollingModule!__tmainCRTStartup+0x10f
00000000`001ff940 00000000`7766c541 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
00000000`001ff970 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1d

But when we executed lmv command we saw the blank screen with some UNICODE symbols at the end:

Not only we triggered the scroll but the artifact buffer somehow caused additional unintended consequences.
We were also surprised by the second order effects. We were curious about what that Unicode string was meant and copied it to Google translate page in IE. It was hanging afterward spiking CPU when we were switching to that tab. We tried to save a crash dump using Task Manager, but it failed with a message about an error in ReadProcessMemory API and, although, the crash dump was saved, it was corrupt. The tab was recovered, and we were not able to reproduce it again. Perhaps, the browser was already in an abnormal state because on the second attempt it behaved better:

Simple Google search shows that such output also appeared in different problems such as related to PDF printing:

In conclusion, we say that the primary effect of arti-malware is abnormal software behavior in static analysis tools. We have the secondary effect when information produced by a static analysis tool triggers abnormal software behavior in another analysis tool.

1 M. Sikorski, A. Honig, Practical Malware Analysis, Debugger Vulnerabilities, page 363
2 D. Vostokov, Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 7, page 240
3 A. Walters, N. Petroni, Jr., Volatools: Integrating Volatile Memory Forensics into the Digital Investigation Process
4 D. Vostokov, Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 8a, page 80

Coding and Articoding

The analysis of software traces and logs is largely a qualitative activity. We look for specific problem domain patterns using general analysis patterns (problem domain pattern hierarchy). Some methodological aspects of this software defect research are similar to qualitative research method in social sciences. The latter method uses the so-called coding techniques for data analysis. Software traces and debugger logs from memory dumps are software execution artifacts we previously called DA+TA (Dump Artifact + Trace Artifact, Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 3, page 330). We propose to use similar “coding” techniques to annotate them with diagnostic indicators, signal and sign mnemonics, and patterns (such as software diagnosis codes). We, therefore, call this software post-construction “coding” as articoding (artecoding), from artifact (artefact) + coding, to distinguish it from software construction coding. Such articoding forms a part of software post-construction problem solving (Introduction to Pattern-Driven Software Problem Solving, page 8). Articodes form a second order software narrative and can be articoded too.

Many software tools were developed for assisting qualitative research coding, and these can be reused for “coding” debugger logs, for example. In addition to those tools, general word and table processing programs can be used as well for some types of artifacts. Here we show MS Word for a WinDbg log example. The debugger log with stack traces from all processes and threads was loaded into MS Word template table with 3 columns. The first column is the log itself, the second column is for diagnostic indicators (such as critical section, CPU consumption, ALPC wait, etc.), and the third column is for pattern language articodes (here we use pattern names from Memory Analysis Pattern Catalog, for traces we can use MS Excel and Trace and Log Analysis Pattern Catalog):

(Click to expand this screenshot)

Formatting and highlighting creativity here is unlimited. Irrelevant parts from the log can be deleted, and the final analysis log can have only relevant annotated tracing information.

Projective Debugging

Modern software systems and products are hard to debug despite their elaborate tracing and logging facilities. Typical logs may include millions of trace messages from hundreds and thousands of components, processes, and threads. The postmortem diagnostic analysis became more structural after the introduction of Trace and Log Analysis Patterns but live debugging requires a lot more efforts. Here we introduce Projective Debugging as a tool for trace-level debugging. Its main idea is to analyze, diagnose and debug the so-called “projected” execution of software as seen from the original software execution traces and logs:

Picture 1. Original software execution is mapped into projected software as seen from traces and logs.

Please notice, that Projective Debugging is different from the so-called Prototype Debugging by creating models after the software product is built (some engineering methodologies prescribe that prototypes should be discarded before building the product):

Picture 2. Prototype software is mapped into the product.

The problems diagnosed and solved in the projected system are fed back into the original system:

Picture 3. Debugged projected software is mapped into the original software.

The implementation of the main idea of Projective Debugging is that: we can take a trace or log, interpret every trace message according to some rules, and translate it into executable code mirroring components and execution entities such as user sessions, processes, and threads. This is a task for the Projective Debugger, and it is illustrated in the following diagram where we borrowed notation from UML:

Picture 4. The logs and traces from the original product execution are translated by Projective Debugger.

For example, the Projective Debugger (ProjectiveDebugger.exe) interprets these very simple messages below, and creates a process PID220.exe (we have only one thread), and then opens a file “data.txt”. After 10 seconds, it closes the file.

Time     PID  TID  Message 
11:00:00 220  330  Open “data.txt”
11:00:10 220  330  Close “data.txt”

In addition to executing code corresponding to messages using the same time deltas as read from the trace, it may scale execution time proportionally, for example, executing 2-day log in a matter of minutes. Such scaling may also uncover additional synchronization bugs.

The trace may be pre-processed, and all necessary objects created before execution or it may be interpreted line by line. For complex traces, the projected source code may be generated for later compilation, linking, and execution. Once the projected code is executed, breakpoints may be set on existing traces, and other types of Debugging Implementation Patterns may be applied. Moreover, we may re-execute the trace several times and even have some limited form of backward execution.

The resulting code model can be inspected by native debuggers for the presence of Memory Analysis Patterns and can even have its own logging instrumentation with traces and logs analyzed by another instance of the Projective Debugger:

Picture 5. Projected Product Execution is inspected by a native debugger and also generates its own set of traces and logs to be projected to another model by another instance of the Projected Debugger.

We created the first version of the Projective Debugger and successfully applied to a small trace involving synchronization primitives across several threads. The Projective Debugger was able to translate it into an executable model with the same number of threads and the same synchronization primitives and logic. The resulting process was hung as expected and we attached a native debugger (WinDbg for Windows) and found a deadlock.

Since traces are analyzed from platform-independent Software Narratology perspective it is possible to get a trace from one operating system, and then, after applying a set of rules, re-interpret it into an executable model on another operating system. We created the similar multithreading test program on Mac OS X that was hung and reinterpreted its trace into an executable model under Windows:

Picture 6. The traces and logs from the original product execution on Mac OS X are projected by a Windows version of Projective Debugger into an executable model for a Windows platform.

Since resultant executable models can also have corresponding logging instrumentation mirroring original tracing, any problems found in executable models can be fixed iteratively and, once the problem disappears, the resulting fix or configuration may be incorporated into the original product or system.

If tracing involves kernel space and mode, a specialized projected executable can be created to model the operating system and driver level.

The more tracing data you have, more real your projected execution becomes. However, we want to have enough tracing statements but not to complicate the projected model. Then, ideally, we should trace only relevant behavior, for example, corresponding to use cases and architecture.

Projective Debugging may also improve your system or product maintainability by highlighting whether you need more tracing statements and whether you need more accurate and complete tracing statements.

Memory Dump and Live Memory Visualization and Picture Extraction

NEW! The updated version of Dump2Picture is available:

This is a reprint of several articles with permission from Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 1.

As the first step towards Memory Dump Tomography (Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 1, page 522) we created a small program that interprets a memory dump as a picture. We can visualize crash dumps with it. The tool is available for free download.

Simply run it from the command prompt and specify full paths to a dump file and an output BMP file. The memory dump file will be converted by default into true color, 32 bits-per-pixel bitmap. We can specify other values: 8, 16 and 24.

Dump2Picture version 1.0
Written by Dmitry Vostokov, 2007
Usage: Dump2Picture dumpfile bmpfile [8|16|24|32]

For example:

C:\Dump2Picture>Dump2Picture.exe MEMORY.DMP MEMORY.BMP 8
Dump2Picture version 1.0
Written by Dmitry Vostokov, 2007
1 file(s) copied.

Below are some screenshots of bitmap files created by the tool. We can think about them as visualized kernel or user address spaces.

Vista kernel memory dump (8 bits-per-pixel):

Vista kernel memory dump (16 bits-per-pixel):

Vista kernel memory dump (24 bits-per-pixel):

Vista kernel memory dump (32 bits-per-pixel):

Notepad process user memory dump (8 bits-per-pixel):

Notepad process user memory dump (16 bits-per-pixel):

Notepad process user memory dump (24 bits-per-pixel):

Notepad process user memory dump (32 bits-per-pixel):

Mspaint process user memory dump (32 bits-per-pixel):

Mspaint process user memory dump after loading "Toco Toucan.jpg" from Vista Sample Pictures folder (32 bits-per-pixel):

Dump2Picture can be used to explore memory leaks visually. We created the following small program in Visual C++ that leaks 64Kb every second:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  while (true)
    printf("%x\n", (UINT_PTR)malloc(0xFFFF));
  return 0;

Then we sampled 3 dumps at 7Mb, 17Mb and 32Mb process virtual memory size and converted them as 16 bits-per-pixel bitmaps. On the pictures below we can see that the middle black memory area grows significantly. Obviously malloc function allocates zeroed memory and therefore we see black color.

7Mb process memory dump:

17Mb process memory dump:

32Mb process memory dump:

If we zoom in the black area we would see the following pattern:

Colored lines inside are heap control structures that are created for every allocated block of memory. If this is correct then allocating smaller memory blocks would create a hatched pattern. And this is true indeed. The following program leaks 256 byte memory blocks:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  while (true)
    printf("%x\n", (UINT_PTR)malloc(0xFF));
  return 0;

The corresponding process memory picture and zoomed heap area are the following:

Making allocations 4 times smaller makes heap area to look hatched, and zoomed picture is more densely packed by heap control structures:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  while (true)
    printf("%x\n", (UINT_PTR)malloc(0xFF/4));
  return 0;

Here is another example. One service was increasing its memory constantly. The crash dump picture shows huge hatched dark region in the middle:

and if we zoom in this region:

Because the pattern and allocation size look uniform it could be the true heap memory leak for some operation that allocates constant size buffers. After opening the dump and looking at heap segments that had grown the most we see the same allocation size indeed:

0:000> !.\w2kfre\ntsdexts.heap -h 5
HEAPEXT: Unable to get address of NTDLL!NtGlobalFlag.
Index Address Name Debugging options enabled
1: 00140000
2: 00240000
3: 00310000
4: 00330000
5: 00370000
Segment at 00370000 to 00380000 (00010000 bytes committed)
Segment at 01680000 to 01780000 (00100000 bytes committed)
Segment at 019C0000 to 01BC0000 (00200000 bytes committed)
Segment at 01BC0000 to 01FC0000 (00400000 bytes committed)
Segment at 01FC0000 to 027C0000 (00800000 bytes committed)
Segment at 027C0000 to 037C0000 (01000000 bytes committed)
Segment at 037C0000 to 057C0000 (02000000 bytes committed)

Segment at 057C0000 to 097C0000 (00155000 bytes committed)
057B96E0: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057BA728: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057BB770: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057BC7B8: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057BD800: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057BE848: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057BF890: 01048 . 00770 [14] free fill
Heap entries for Segment07 in Heap 370000
057C0040: 00040 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057C1088: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057C20D0: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057C3118: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057C4160: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill
057C51A8: 01048 . 01048 [07] - busy (1030), tail fill

An alternative to converting memory dumps to picture files is to save a memory range to a binary file and then convert it to a BMP file. Thus we can view the particular DLL or driver mapped into address space, heap or pool region, including live memory:

To save a memory range to a file use WinDbg .writemem command:

.writemem d2p-range.bin 00800000 0085e000


.writemem d2p-range.bin 00400000 L20000

We wrote a WinDbg script that saves a specified memory range and then calls a shell script that automatically converts the saved binary file to a BMP file and then runs a picture viewer registered for .bmp extension.

The WinDbg script code (mempicture.txt):

.writemem d2p-range.bin ${$arg1} ${$arg2}
.if (${/d:$arg3})
  .shell -i- mempicture.cmd d2p-range ${$arg3}
  .shell -i- mempicture.cmd d2p-range

The shell script (mempicture.cmd):

dump2picture %1.bin %1.bmp %2

Because WinDbg installation folder is assumed to be the default directory for both scripts and Dump2Picture.exe they should be copied to the same folder where windbg.exe is located. On our system it is

C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows

Both scripts are now included in Dump2Picture package available for free download.

To call the script from WinDbg use the following command:

$$>a< mempicture.txt Range [bits-per-pixel]

where Range can be in Address1 Address2 or Address Lxxx format, bits-per-pixel can be 8, 16, 24 or 32. By default it is 32.

For example, we loaded a complete Windows x64 memory dump and visualized HAL (hardware abstraction layer) module:

kd> lm
start end module name
fffff800`00800000 fffff800`0085e000 hal
fffff800`01000000 fffff800`0147b000 nt
fffff97f`ff000000 fffff97f`ff45d000 win32k

kd> $$>a< mempicture.txt fffff800`00800000 fffff800`0085e000
Writing 5e001 bytes...

C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows>dump2picture d2p-range.bin d2p-range.bmp

Dump2Picture version 1.1
Written by Dmitry Vostokov, 2007

1 file(s) copied.

C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows>d2p-range.bmp
<.shell waiting 10 second(s) for process>
.shell: Process exited

and Windows Picture and Fax Viewer application was launched and displayed the following picture:

Special and General Trace and Log Analysis

Most software traces include message timestamps or have an implicit time arrow via sequential ordering. We call such traces Special. The analysis is special too because causality is easily seen. Typical examples of analysis patterns here are Discontinuity, Time Delta, Event Sequence Order, Data Flow (see time dependency markers ↓ in the training course reference), and more recently added patterns such as Back Trace, Timeout, Milestones, and Event Sequence Phase. Inter- and Intra-Correlation analysis is also easy.

On the other side, there are plenty of software logs or digital media artefacts with “chaotic” records where time arrow is missing or only partial. Typical examples are debugger logs from WinDbg debugger from Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows or logs from debugging sessions on other platforms. Such logs may contain global ordering such as the list of processes and threads (Last Object memory analysis pattern) interspaced with local pockets of stack traces that have reversed ordering. Some logging output may not have any ordering or timing information whatever.

In a more general case, logging may be completely arbitrarily. Typical example is raw stack analysis and its Rough Stack Trace and Past Stack Trace patterns.

We call such traces General. The main task of general trace analysis is to recover causality. It may be possible if another analysis pattern is introduced called Causality Markers. The prototypes of such a pattern are various wait chains, Waiting Thread Time memory analysis pattern and its process memory dump equivalent.

Diagnostics, Forensics, Prognostics: The Copernican Revolution

Our pattern language system for software diagnostics was originally tool-centric, devised from recurrent analysis problems on Windows platforms when using WinDbg from Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows. We now call it “Ptolemaic”.

Later we realized that the same system is possible to apply to other platforms and tools, and we proved it with the publication of the book for GDB. When the debugging tool changed on Mac OS X we ported the same book to different LLDB debugger. With the presenting of a pattern language for memory forensics, we extended the same system to other memory analysis tools in principle. Our pattern language system became pattern-centric. We call it “Copernican”. In addition, trace and log analysis pattern system was devised as pattern-centric from the ground up based on software Narratology and applied to all software execution artifacts including network traces.

Although this paradigm shift was evolutionary for us, we call it revolutionary for the whole discipline of software diagnostics, forensics, and prognostics because of previously dominant tool-centric systems.

Pattern-Oriented Network Forensics

In February, 2015 we plan a lecture which introduces a pattern language for network forensics - investigation of captured network traces for patterns of abnormal network traffic behavior. It provides a unified language for discussing and communicating detection and analysis results, a base language for checklists, and an aid in accelerated learning. Pattern-oriented network forensics is based on a synthesis of pattern-oriented network trace analysis with malware narrative approach including malnarratives and complements pattern-oriented memory forensics.

Pattern-Oriented Debugging Process

Modern debugging is complex and usually distributed across organizations involving many persons and teams:

We propose a fully pattern-oriented debugging process that takes into account the integral role of software diagnostics and software construction patterns.

Whenever we have a software incident, we usually start with a small number of Elementary Software Diagnostics Patterns to identify what kind of software execution artifacts to collect. Such artifacts may include memory dumps and logs for postmortem debugging but can also be running software itself, the so-called live debugging scenario. These patterns can be also called Software Diagnostics Analysis Patterns reflecting the fact that we need to analyze what we further need to do before doing software diagnostics itself.

Based on artifacts we identify patterns of software behavior such as memory and trace analysis patterns. We call these patterns Software Diagnostics Usage Patterns.

Such usage patterns can be also called Debugging Analysis Patterns because we need to diagnose the right problem before doing any debugging.

Specific techniques reused across different software diagnostics and debugging scenarios we name Software Diagnostics and Debugging Implementation Patterns. There can also be Debugging Usage Patterns as reusable debugging scenarios.

Previously we introduced Unified Debugging Patterns (Analysis, Architecture, Design, Implementation, and Usage) to which we would like to add Debugging Presentation Patterns and similar pattern stack for software diagnostics:

These pattern categories are usually already in existence and are important only when we develop new software diagnostics and debugging infrastructures and tools. For example, Patterns-View-Controller architectural pattern.

Examples of Elementary Software Diagnostics (Software Diagnostics Analysis) Patterns, Software Diagnostics Usage (Debugging Analysis) Patterns, and Debugging Implementation Patterns can be found in Accelerated Windows Debugging3 book.

Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 8a

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Also available in PDF format from Software Diagnostics Services

Contains revised, edited, cross-referenced, and thematically organized selected articles from Software Diagnostics Institute ( + and Software Diagnostics Library (former Crash Dump Analysis blog, about software diagnostics, debugging, crash dump analysis, memory forensics, software trace and log analysis written in June 2014 - November 2014 for software engineers developing and maintaining products on Windows platforms, quality assurance engineers testing software, technical support and escalation engineers dealing with complex software issues, security researchers, reverse engineers, malware and memory forensics analysts. This volume is fully cross-referenced with volumes 1 - 7 and features:

- 19 new crash dump analysis patterns
- 10 new software log and trace analysis patterns
- Introduction to malnarratives and higher-order pattern narratives
- Introduction to pattern language for performance analysis
- Introduction to pattern-oriented debugging process

Product information:

  • Title: Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 8a
  • Authors: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Institute
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 22.86 x 15.24
  • Paperback: 150 pages
  • Publisher: OpenTask (December 2014)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-908043-53-5

Table of Contents

Software Diagnostics Professional Certification

Software Diagnostics Services offers a certification in pattern-oriented software diagnostics for software technical support and escalation engineers, software engineers and quality assurance engineers with the following assessment areas:

  • pattern-oriented memory dump analysis
  • pattern-oriented software trace and log analysis

The focus is on unintentional software behaviour such related to crashes, resource consumption (CPU, memory leaks), and hangs. For intentional software behaviour there is Memory Forensics Professional certification under development. The Windows track tests the ability to recognise patterns using the following analysis tools: WinDbg from Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows and Process Monitor.

Please visit Software Diagnostics Services for more details.

Memory Forensics Professional Certification

Software Diagnostics Services offers a certification in pattern-oriented memory forensics for digital forensics and incident response professionals, reverse engineers and security researchers with the following assessment areas:

  • pattern-oriented malware detection and analysis
  • pattern-oriented reverse engineering

The focus is on intentional software behaviour such related to malware and rootkits. For unintentional software behaviour there is Software Diagnostics Professional certification. The Windows track tests the ability to recognise ADDR and malware analysis patterns using the following analysis tool: WinDbg from Microsoft Debugging Tools (future versions of this certification may add other tools). It has the same features and process as Software Diagnostics Professional certification.

Please visit Software Diagnostics Services for more details.

Software Trace and Memory Dump Analysis

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Available for SkillSoft Books24x7 subscribers

This is a full-colour transcript of Software Diagnostics Services (former Memory Dump Analysis Services) lecture delivered at E2EVC Virtualization Conference in 2011 which introduces an analysis methodology for software execution artefacts.

  • Title: Software Trace and Memory Dump Analysis: Patterns, Tools, Processes and Best Practices
  • Author: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Services
  • Publisher: OpenTask (September 2014)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 28.0 x 21.6
  • Paperback: 28 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-1908043238


A malnarrative is an intentionally modified narrative for malicious purposes. This word comes from the so-called malware narratives and their patterns. Malware narratives are just software traces and logs (for example, system logs and network traces) that contain diagnostic indicators (signs) pointing to possible or actual malware presence and execution. Therefore, malware narrative analysis patterns are based on general software trace and log analysis patterns as a part of pattern-oriented software diagnostics and forensics. Whereas, malware narratives result from planned alteration of structure and behaviour of software to serve malicious purposes with resulting narratives incidentally revealing malware, malnarratives are planned alterations of narratives themselves. Because software narratives are based on software narratology (which is an application of general narratology) the extensive trace and log analysis pattern catalogue (more than 90 patterns at the time of this writing) can be used to analyse and detect such patterns in non-software narratives. For example, it can be used for analysis of cyberspace narratives such as social media narratives (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and even traditional media narratives such as news, stories, and books. Such pattern-oriented analysis of malnarratives can be used not only in security but also in intelligence analysis (MDAA, Volume 6) and information operations (IO), for example, in information warfare (IW).

A Pattern Language for Performance Analysis

We introduce a new software diagnostics pattern sub-catalogue based on trace and log analysis patterns. It now includes the following performance analysis patterns (with more patterns added soon):

Counter Value
Global Monotonicity
Constant Value

Many general log analysis patterns based on software narratology are applicable to performance monitoring logs because they structure analysis data and corresponding thought process:

Adjoint Thread (can be visualized via different colours on a graph)
Focus of Tracing
Characteristic Message Block (for graphs)
Activity Region
Significant Event
and many others.

The goal is to discern, describe, and classify general regularities and their interactions in captured performance data including analysis approaches reused across different operating systems, products, and their performance monitoring and analysis tools. Such Pattern-Oriented Performance Analysis as a part of Pattern-Oriented Software Diagnostics includes pattern-driven, pattern-based, and systemic parts.

Higher-Order Pattern Narratives (Analysing Diagnostic Analysis)

A pattern narrative in software narratology means a narrative where messages or log entries are patterns from pattern catalogues. These can be either domain specific patterns, or general trace and log analysis patterns such as Discontinuity, Activity Region, Significant Event, Macrofunction, and Back Trace. Generally, a software pattern narrative is a narrative constructed from software execution artefacts such as logs and memory dumps during their analysis. This is different from the usual meaning of a pattern narrative in narratology and literary criticism where we have a narrative which is a pattern itself like Master Trace analysis pattern. So in our case it is a narrative of patterns and not a narrative which is a pattern. The following picture illustrates the correspondence between a software trace example and its software pattern narrative:

A pattern narrative can be further analysed for any missing patterns using pattern sequences and schemes.

By a second-order narrative we mean a narrative about narrative such as the analysis of original narrative (a first-order narrative). For example, a transformation of a software log into its pattern narrative equivalent (the so called analysis narrative) is a second order narrative. It has its own time sequence (called Analysis Time, TA) where certain patterns are diagnosed out-of-order of their appearance in the resulting pattern narrative. In such a narrative additional patterns may be included that were diagnosed initially but were later replaced or eliminated. The latter property shows that second-order narratives are not simply rearranged plots of the same story (fabula). In the case of generalized memory narratives and hybrid artefacts such as memory dumps we also have analysis narratives. The following picture shows the analysis narrative used to construct software pattern narrative from the previous picture example. We see what patterns were found first:

Such second-order narratives can be analysed further and give rise to third-order narratives and in general to higher-order narratives. The following diagram shows the relationship between a software narrative (order N), its pattern narrative (order N) and analysis narrative (order N+1):

The same principles of software narratology and its analysis patterns can be applied here. Discontinuities, Time Deltas and other patterns can be analysed to find out analysis difficulties which might require further training (such as in domain specific knowledge) and analysis tool development for subsequent computer assistance. For example, if we compare TAs in the analysis report above we find out that there was significant Time Delta pattern before Back Trace pattern was found leading to the first Error Message pattern from a different Thread of Activity. It took some time for an analyst to get an idea to look for specific Data Flow pattern and construct Back Trace (probably by looking at source code).

If you are new to Software Narratology please find this introduction:

Native Memory Forensics

Among different approaches to memory forensics (investigation of past system or process structure and behaviour recorded in memory snapshots) native memory forensic analysis is done using native OS debuggers such as WinDbg from Debugging Tools for Windows or GDB (Linux) or GDB/LLDB (Mac OS X). Such approach is an integral part of software diagnostics (investigation of signs of software structure and behaviour in software execution artefacts) and was introduced as a part of pattern-oriented software forensics:

Software Diagnostics Services offers comprehensive self-paced training courses in native memory forensics for Windows platforms using WinDbg and memory dumps in hands-on exercises:

Their training courses (which also includes malware and rootkit detection, disassembly and reversing as an integral part of forensic investigation) teach various pattern languages (such as memory analysis pattern language, malware analysis patterns, and ADDR patterns) that can be used with other memory forensic analysis tools.

Memory Dump Analysis Anthology: Color Supplement for Volumes 6-7

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This is a supplemental volume of 150 full color illustrations from Memory Dump Analysis Anthology: revised, edited, cross-referenced, and thematically organized selected articles from Software Diagnostics Institute ( + and Software Diagnostics Library (former Crash Dump Analysis blog, about software diagnostics, debugging, crash dump analysis, software narratology, software trace and log analysis, malware analysis and memory forensics written in November 2011 - May 2014 for software engineers developing and maintaining software products, quality assurance engineers testing software, technical support and escalation engineers dealing with complex software issues, security researchers, malware analysts, reverse engineers, digital forensics analysts, computer security and cyber warfare intelligence professionals, computer scientists, conceptual digital artists, and philosophers. Unique in its breadth, depth, and scope it offers unprecedented insight into the world of software behavior and draws profound engineering, scientific, artistic, and philosophical implications.

  • Title: Memory Dump Analysis Anthology: Color Supplement for Volumes 6-7
  • Author: Dmitry Vostokov
  • Publisher: OpenTask (June 2014)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 14.0
  • Paperback: 200 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-1908043740

Table of Contents

Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 7

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Also available in PDF format from Software Diagnostics Services

Contains revised, edited, cross-referenced, and thematically organized selected articles from Software Diagnostics Institute ( + and Software Diagnostics Library (former Crash Dump Analysis blog, about software diagnostics, debugging, crash dump analysis, software trace and log analysis, malware analysis and memory forensics written in November 2011 - May 2014 for software engineers developing and maintaining products on Windows (WinDbg) and Mac OS X (GDB) platforms, quality assurance engineers testing software, technical support and escalation engineers dealing with complex software issues, security researchers, malware analysts, reverse engineers, and memory forensics analysts. The seventh volume features:

- 66 new crash dump analysis patterns
- 46 new software log and trace analysis patterns
- 18 core memory dump analysis patterns for Mac OS X and GDB
- 10 malware analysis patterns
- Additional unified debugging pattern
- Additional user interface problem analysis pattern
- Additional pattern classification including memory and log acquisition patterns
- Additional .NET memory analysis patterns
- Introduction to software problem description patterns
- Introduction to software diagnostics patterns
- Introduction to general abnormal structure and behaviour patterns
- Introduction to software disruption patterns
- Introduction to static code analysis patterns
- Introduction to network trace analysis patterns
- Introduction to software diagnostics report schemes
- Introduction to elementary software diagnostics patterns
- Introduction to patterns of software diagnostics architecture
- Introduction to patterns of disassembly, reconstruction and reversing
- Introduction to vulnerability analysis patterns
- Fully cross-referenced with Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, and Volume 6

Product information:

  • Title: Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 7
  • Authors: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Institute
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 22.86 x 15.24
  • Paperback: 523 pages
  • Publisher: OpenTask (June 2014)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-908043-51-1
  • Hardcover: 523 pages
  • Publisher: OpenTask (June 2014)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-908043-52-8

Table of Contents

Back cover features a "liquid memory" image created with Photoshop from contents of computer memory.

Vulnerability Analysis Patterns (VAP)

These are general patterns of software vulnerability: synthesis of analysis patterns from the following software diagnostics catalogues:

  • MAP - Memory Analysis Patterns (include behavioural and structural patterns)
  • TAP - Trace Analysis Patterns
  • CAP - Code Analysis Patterns (previously introduced as Static Code Analysis Patterns)
  • ADDR - Deconstruction, Disassembly, and Reversing (binary equivalent of CAP) Patterns (the current list is available here)
  • Also:

    VEC - Vulnerability, Exploit, and Control of Victimware
    Victimware - bugs of software (including bugs of malware) + vulnerabilities (provocative and precipitative victimware)

    For victimware classification please look at this presentation:

    The following easy to remember diagram combines all these acronyms and terminology:

    The first pattern we suggest is called Versioned Namespace. It is similar to Namespace malware analysis pattern but covers victimware side. Not only some API sets seen from source code and binaries but their versions also have importance. Again, this proposed new catalogue contains general analysis patterns, not specific operating system and product patterns. More patterns will be added later according to our pattern-based software diagnostics incremental and iterative methodology.

Software Diagnosis Codes

While working on Diagnostic Manual of Software Problems (DMS) announced last year we found the need to introduce software diagnostic codes. The proposed natural candidate schema is based on pattern orientation and pattern catalogues. It consists of a major and minor codes. The major code is a combination of one letter software artefact type, three letter structural classifier, and 3 letter behavioural pattern classifier:

Artefact Type - Structural Pattern - Behavioural Pattern

For example:


Memory - Thread - Spike which corresponds to Spiking Thread pattern from memory analysis catalogue.

The optional minor code is not currently specified but may include pattern implementation such as operating system platform including CPU architecture, for, example: WIN.X32 or OSX.X64. So the final code may look like:


Software Diagnostics Metaphors

Software Diagnostics as Archaeology

Analogy: studying software execution artifacts and traces left in artefacts by software execution. Traces themselves may have undergone ageing, e.g. memory overwrites. Root Cause Analysis uses mechanisms from Software Internals to understand causal connections and reconstruct original software execution context.

  • Sociology - Software Internals
  • Archeology - Software Diagnostics
  • History - Root Cause Analysis

Software Diagnostics as Psychology

Analogy: studying how code construction ideas are executed.

  • Philosophy - Software Construction
  • Psychology - Software Diagnostics
  • Physiology - Software Execution

Software Diagnostics as Literary Criticism

Analogy: studying patterns across software execution artefacts such as software narratives (traces and logs) and memory snapshots.

  • Writing Fiction - Software Construction
  • Reading Fiction - Software Execution
  • Reviewing Fiction - Traditional Software Diagnostics
  • Literary Criticism - Pattern-Oriented Software Diagnostics

Rapid Software Diagnostics Process (RSDP)

Increased complexity of software incidents and their growing numbers require fast responses. We reviewed and partitioned our pattern catalogues into two tiers. The first tier requires less analysis efforts and provides faster response time than the second tier. The revised memory and trace analysis catalogues together with adjusted checklists will be published soon.

Right First Time Software Diagnosis

Right First Time Software Diagnostics is based on pattern-oriented diagnostics process and pattern catalogues.

Book: Advanced Windows RT Memory Dump Analysis, ARM Edition

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The full transcript of Software Diagnostics Services training with 9 step-by-step exercises. Learn how to navigate through memory dump space and Windows data structures to perform memory forensics, troubleshoot and debug complex software incidents. The training uses a unique and innovative pattern-driven analysis approach to speed up the learning curve. It consists of practical step-by-step exercises using WinDbg to diagnose structural and behavioural patterns in Windows RT kernel and complete (physical) memory dumps. Additional topics include memory search, kernel linked list navigation, practical WinDbg scripting, registry, system variables and objects, device drivers and I/O, memory mapped and cached files content.

Prerequisites: Basic and intermediate level Windows memory dump analysis: ability to list processors, processes, threads, modules, apply symbols, and walk through stack traces.

Audience: Software developers, software technical support and escalation engineers, reverse and security research engineers, digital forensic analysts.

  • Title: Advanced Windows RT Memory Dump Analysis, ARM Edition: Training Course Transcript and WinDbg Practice Exercises
  • Authors: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Services
  • Publisher: OpenTask (March 2014)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 28.0 x 21.6
  • Paperback: 190 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-1908043733

Table of Contents

Accelerated Mac OS X Core Dump Analysis: LLDB Exercises

Warning! Contains only exercises for LLDB debugger.

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This is an update for Accelerated Mac OS X Core Dump Analysis: Training Course Transcript and GDB Practice Exercises (ISBN: 978-1908043405) book. In Mac OS X Mavericks GDB was replaced by LLDB debugger. All GDB exercises were reworked and updated for LLDB. The original first edition also contains slide transcripts and selected memory analysis pattern descriptions which are missing in this update. This update contains only LLDB exercises. If you don't have the first edition of this course then Accelerated Mac OS X Core Dump Analysis, Second Edition: Training Course Transcript with GDB and LLDB Practice Exercises (ISBN: 978-1908043719) is recommended instead of this update.

  • Title: Accelerated Mac OS X Core Dump Analysis: LLDB Exercises
  • Authors: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Services
  • Publisher: OpenTask (March 2014)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 28.0 x 21.6
  • Paperback: 146 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-1908043726

Table of Contents
Amazon Reviews for the previous GDB edition

Detecting and Predicting the Unknown

A. The approach of Victimware1 (which includes abnormal behaviour of Malware such as crashes, hangs, resource leaks, CPU spikes) together with memory, malware, and log analysis pattern catalogues allows to detect unknown malware in software diagnostics and digital forensics artefacts such as memory dumps, crash reports, and software traces and logs: pattern-driven software diagnostics2 and forensics4.

B. Structural and behavioural patterns found on one operating system and/or processor architecture can be predicted for another: pattern-based software diagnostics3 and forensics4.


Pattern-Oriented Software Forensics

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Available for SkillSoft Books24x7 subscribers

This is a transcript of Software Diagnostics Services seminar about a comprehensive theory behind software forensics based on systemic and pattern-oriented software diagnostics developed by Software Diagnostics Institute. It synthesises pattern-oriented memory analysis of malware and victimware with pattern-oriented software log and trace analysis based on software narratology.

  • Title: Pattern-Oriented Software Forensics: A Foundation of Memory Forensics and Forensics of Things
  • Author: Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Services
  • Publisher: OpenTask (February 2014)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 28.0 x 21.6
  • Paperback: 44 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-1908043696

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