Log’s Loxels and Trace Message’s Mexels Graphical Representation of Software Traces and Logs

Our system and method stem from texels, voxels, and pixels as elements of textures, 3D and 2D picture representation grids and the way we depict traces and logs in Dia|gram graphical diagnostic analysis language:

Loxel is an element of a log or software trace. It is usually a log or trace message. Usually, such messages are generated from specific code points, and, therefore, may have unique identifiers. Such UIDs can be mapped to specific colors:

For visualization purposes and 2D processing, we can collapse 1D picture into a 2D loxel image using top-to-down and left-to-right direction:

We can also include Silent Messages in the picture by imposing fixed time resolution grid:

We apply the same procedure to get 1D and 2D images:

Each loxel may contain Message Invariant and variable parts such as Message Constants and other data values such as handles, pointers, Counter Values, and other Random Data in general. We call a variable parts mexel, and mexels form layers in order of their appearance in loxels:

Therefore, for this modeling example, after loxelation and mexelation, we got 3 layers that we can use for anomaly detection via digital image processing and machine learning:

In conclusion, we would like to note that this is an artificial representation compared with the natural representation where trace memory content is used for pixel data.