Online Training: Extended Windows Memory Dump Analysis

Extended Windows Memory Dump Analysis Logo

Software Diagnostics Services ( organizes a training course:

September 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (GMT+1, October 28 GMT) Price 99 USD Registration

Extended Windows Memory Dump Analysis: Using and Writing WinDbg Extensions, Database and Event Stream Processing, Visualization training course extends pattern-oriented analysis introduced in Accelerated Windows Memory Dump Analysis, Accelerated .NET Core Memory Dump Analysis, Advanced Windows Memory Dump Analysis with Data Structures, and Accelerated Windows Malware Analysis with Memory Dumps courses with elements of programming, data engineering, data science, and machine learning engineering:

  • Surveying the current landscape of WinDbg extensions with analysis pattern mappings
  • Writing WinDbg extensions in C, C++, and Rust (new)
  • Connecting WinDbg to NoSQL databases
  • Connecting WinDbg to streaming and log processing platforms
  • Querying and visualizing WinDbg output data
  • Using Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI for diagnostics and postmortem debugging (new)

The new version of the training updates existing and includes new exercises.

Slides from the previous training

Before the training, you get:

  • The current PDF book version and recording of the training
  • Practical Foundations of Windows Debugging, Disassembling, Reversing, Second Edition PDF book
  • Access to Software Diagnostics Library

After the training, you also get:

  • The new edition of the PDF book version of the training
  • Personalized Certificate of Attendance with unique CID
  • Answers to questions during training sessions
  • New recording

Prerequisites: Working knowledge of WinDbg. Working knowledge of Python, C, C++, or Rust is optional (required only for some exercises). Other concepts are explained when necessary.

Audience: Software developers, software maintenance engineers, escalation engineers, quality assurance engineers, security and vulnerability researchers, malware and memory forensics analysts who want to build memory analysis pipelines.