Rosetta Stone for Debuggers

Under inscription...

The name for this table was suggested by Joshua J. Drake and first propagated to me by @jcran

Action                      | GDB                 | WinDbg
Start the process           | run                 | g
Exit                        | (q)uit              | q
Disassemble (forward)       | (disas)semble       | uf, u
Disassemble N instructions  | x/<N>i              | -
Disassemble (backward)      | disas <a-o> <a>     | ub
Stack trace                 | backtrace (bt)      | k
Full stack trace            | bt full             | kv
Stack trace with parameters | bt full             | kP
Partial trace (innermost)   | bt <N>              | k <N>
Partial trace (outermost)   | bt -<N>             | -
Stack trace for all threads | thread apply all bt | ~*k
Breakpoint                  | break               | bp
Frame numbers               | any bt command      | kn
Select frame                | frame               | .frame
Display parameters          | info args           | dv /t /i /V
Display locals              | info locals         | dv /t /i /V
Dump byte char array        | x/<N>bc             | db
Switch to thread            | thread <N>          | ~<N>s
Sections/regions            | maint info sections | !address
Load symbol file            | add-symbol-file     | .reload
CPU registers               | i(nfo) r            | r

The current version is from April 30th, 2012:

To Do:

- Split rows by categories
- Add links to command descriptions, examples, relevant patterns