Integral Diamathics – Tracing the Road to Root Cause

Recently we noticed a published book about biology and mathematics (with some emphasis on category theory) called “Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality” (ISBN: 978-3642429606). We liked that naming idea because we are interested in applying category theory to software diagnostics (and diagnostics in general). Our road started more than a decade ago after reading “Life Itself: A Comprehensive Inquiry Into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life” by Robert Rosen (ISBN: 978-0231075657) recommended in “Categories for Software Engineering” by Jose Luiz Fiadeiro (ISBN: 978-3540373469). We also read “Memory Evolutive Systems: Hierarchy, Emergence, Cognition” book (ISBN: 978-0444522443) written by one of the editors and contributors to “Integral Biomathics” (Andrée C. Ehresmann) and the semi-popular overview of contemporary physics “The Road to Reality” (ISBN: 978-0679454434) by Roger Penrose. Certainly, the editors of “Integral Biomathics” wanted to combine biology, mathematics, and physics into one integral whole. Something we also wanted to do for memory analysis and forensics intelligence (unpublished “Memory Analysis Forensics and Intelligence: An Integral Approach” ISBN: 978-1906717056) planned before we started our work on software trace analysis patterns and software narratology. Our subsequent research borrowed a lot of terminology and concepts from contemporary mathematics.

As a result, we recognized the need to name diagnostic mathematics as Diamathics, and its Integral Diamathics version subtitled as “The Road to Root Cause” since we believe that diagnostics is an integral part of root cause analysis as analysis of analysis. To mark the birth of Diamathics we created a logo for it:

In its design, we used the sign of an indefinite integral and diagnostic components from Software Diagnostics Institute logo (also featured on “Theoretical Software Diagnostics” book front cover). The orientation of UML components points to past (forensics) and future (prognostics) and reflects our motto: Pattern-Oriented Software Diagnostics, Forensics, Prognostics (with subsequent Root Cause Analysis and Debugging).