
The new thread started
To work through items
It got an item
Handled to the store
To run delete requests
Through Oh-Dee-Bee-See
It tried to alloc
But crashed in malloc
While browsing the heap
Exception was dispatched
And handler called at once
But couldn't find a filter
And called default one
That filter needed help
And looked for its address
But halted in suspense
While entering crit sec.

        March 2009 (c) Dmitry Vostokov

Inspired by the following stack trace (remeber to read from bottom to top):

0:01> ~8kL
ChildEBP RetAddr
009ef258 7c827d0b ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
009ef25c 7c83d236 ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xc
009ef298 7c83d281 ntdll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection+0x1a3
009ef2b8 7c82dabf ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0xa8
009ef358 7c82dab1 ntdll!LdrpGetProcedureAddress+0x128
009ef374 77e764ea ntdll!LdrGetProcedureAddress+0x18
009ef5d8 7c34c456 kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x46f
009ef5f4 7c34957c msvcr71!_XcptFilter+0x15f
009ef600 7c34246e msvcr71!_endthreadex+0xb7
009ef628 7c828752 msvcr71!_except_handler3+0x61
009ef64c 7c828723 ntdll!ExecuteHandler2+0x26
009ef6f4 7c82855e ntdll!ExecuteHandler+0x24
009ef6f4 7c82be3e ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0xe
009efa00 7c82a319 ntdll!RtlpFindEntry+0x68
009efc2c 7c3416b3 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0x606
009efc6c 7c3416db msvcr71!_heap_alloc+0xe0
009efc74 7c360947 msvcr71!_nh_malloc+0x10
009efc80 0285f893 msvcr71!operator new+0xb
009efca8 02852e38 SQLModule!ODBCDelete+0xf3
009efd54 0269acff Store!ProcessDeletes+0x3d
009eff38 0269badb Store!UpdateStore+0xe
009eff58 00323499 Common!WorkItem+0x15c
009eff84 7c349565 Common!WorkItemThread+0x339
009effb8 77e64829 msvcr71!_endthreadex+0xa0
009effec 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart+0x34

Debugging Verses

(1) Welcome, Doctor DebugLove!
    Your name, pronounced, fixes bugs!

        August 2009 (c) Dmitry Vostokov

Troubleshooting Poem in Six Stanzas

Solution Number One.
Bang, Bang, Bang…

Solution Number Two.
Poo, Poo, Poo…

Solution Number Three.
Wee, Wee, Wee…

Solution Number Four.
Oh, Oh, Oh…

Solution Number Five.
Ay, Ay, Ay…

Solution Number Six.
Fix, Fix, Fix!

        August 2010 (c) Dmitry Vostokov

If your system hangs today,
Don't panic, don't dump,
Read a book, prepare drink,
Spend a break, and then restart.

        August 2014 (c) Dmitry Vostokov